
Nuremberg, Germany
Mario Klinger was born in
Nuremberg, Germany (1978) and currently lives and works in
Munich and Rome. He studied Art History, Physics and Roman
History of Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.
In 2005 he received his MA in Art History. His thesis explored
‘The artistic positions of Picasso between 1907 -1912: a new
concept of image and its reference to a new view of the world
typified in the positions of the theoretic physics at the
beginning of the 20th Century’. In 2008 Klinger was awarded
„magna cum laude“ a PhD in Art History with a dissertation on
Adam Fuss; the early photograms (1986-1995) - aesthetic
positions and hermeneutic methods in the area of conflict
between the concept of image, chaos and causality. During this
time he was a Research Assistant for Professor Dr. Rainer Crone
(Professor Emeritus at the Department of Art History – Ludwig-Maximilians-University,
Munich) From 2008-2009, Klinger collaborated with the artist
Alessandro Twombly in Rome.
Solo exhibitions include: 2010, mbf-Kunstprojekte, Satori Room,
München; 2009 Kunstverein Uelzen, Mario Klinger und Sonia
Steidle, Museum Schloss Holdenstedt; 2007, mbf-Kunstprojekte,
Metaphern, Allegorien, Aphorismen und Symbole, Freiburg; Private
Viewing, Selected Works from 2005-2006, München; 2006,
Physikalisches Institut der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,
Physical Implications in Contemporary Photography, München;
Kunsthandel Metz de Benito, Opium, München
Group exhibitions (selection) have included: 2010, QQArt e.V.,
Energie, Hilden; 2009, Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Lichtpreis „Switch
On“, Gräfelfing; Kunsthalle Villa Kobe, Große Jahresausstellung,
Halle (Saale); Kunsthaus Jesteburg, Energie, Jesteburg;
Kunstverein Meerane, Kunst und Physik heute, Meerane; 2007, NOMA,
Westtor, Murnau; Noneart, Bardolino (IT)
Klinger was awarded in 2007 ‘Artist of the Year’, Sophist Group,
Nürnberg. His publications include: Artist Book: Mario Klinger -
Satori Room. A Sublime Port to Premoral Esthesia,
mbf-Kunstprojekte, München; 2009, Ausstellkat.: Mario Klinger -
Metaphern, Allegorien, Aphorismen und Symbole, mit einem Vorwort
von Rainer Crone, Hrsg.: mbf-Kunstprojekte, Freiburg 2007; and
Mario Klinger & Veit Ziegelmaier: Mario Klinger - Human Nature,
Hrsg.: mbf-Kunstprojekte, Freiburg 2006