
Born in Avelãs de Caminho, Brazil

Arrival with family in Brazil, settling in Rio de Janeiro.

Produces first drawings.

Teenagers´ Salon, promoted by the daily newspaper O Globo.

Prize for drawing at the 23rd Paraná Salon of Fines Arts, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Participation at Bahia National Biennial, Salvador, Brazil.

Solo exhibition, Galeria Goeldi, Rio de Janeiro.
Awarded purchase prize at the 9th São Paulo Biennial (drawing over newspaper, 1967), Brazil.
Awarded at the 3rd Salon of Contemporary Art, Campinas, São Paulo.
Participation at Tropicália event, following invitation by Hélio Oiticica, Nova Objetividade Brasileira, survey exhibition, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.
Frequent visitor to Ivan Serpa´s studio until 1973.

Urnas quentes, participatory work produced for the Apocalipopótese event, Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro.

Purchase prize, Salão da Bússola, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.
Nominated for the Paris Biennial with Eis o Saldo and Repressão outra vez of 1968.
A preview exhibition was organized at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, was closed by the military government and the Brazilian participation in Paris was subsequently cancelled.

O corpo é a obra, performance during the National Modern Art Salon, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.

Engraving Biennial, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan.

Production of, O Galo (The Cock of the Golden Eggs).
By Antonio, 16-mm, black-and-white short-film. 

Bode, planned solo exhibition Museu de Arte Moderna Rio de Janeiro, cancelled by the military regime.
Super jornais – clandestinas, work produced at the daily newspaper O Dia.
Exposição de 0 a 24 horas, work published as a six-page supplement of the daily newspaper
O Jornal, on July 15, 1973. It contained visual material relating to the cancelled exhibition at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro. Sixty thousand copies were printed and sold at newsagents.
Loucura & Cultura, 35-mm black-and-white short-film, with Rogério Duarte, Hélio Oiticica, Lygia Pape, Luis Saldanha and Caetano Veloso, awarded a prize at the 2nd Short-film Festival, Jornal do Brasil/ Instituto Nacional de Cinema, Rio de Janeiro.
Expoprojeção, group exhibition, films and audiovisuals, São Paulo.

Group exhibition, Centro de Arte y Cultura Cayc, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Urna Quente, work registered at notary’s office, with the specification that the box would under legal contract remain closed for 30 years.
Isso é que é, solo exhibition, Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro (matrixes and objects).
Semi-ótica, 35-mm black-and-white short-film; awarded a prize at the 5th Short-film Festival, Salvador, Bahia.

Semi-ótica, installation, Venice Biennial, International Contemporary Art Sector, Italy.
Isso é que é, solo exhibition, Arte Global Gallery, São Paulo.
Arte Hoje, 16-mm black-and-white short-film.

Uma parada, 16-mm black-and-white short-film, awarded prize at the 5th Jornal do Brasil Short-Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro.

Lis’79 – Lisbon International Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal.

Frutos do espaço, solo exhibition, sculptures, Espaço Arte Brasileira Contemporânea,
Parque da Catacumba, Rio de Janeiro.
Quasi cinema, film and video group exhibition, Centro Internazionale di Brera, Milan, Italy.

Birth of daughter Beatriz.
Brazil: 60 years of modern art – Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Barbican Gallery, London, UK.
Portuguese artists living abroad, Figueira da Foz, Lisbon and Oporto, Potugal.

Solo exhibition, paintings, Galeria GB Arte, Rio de Janeiro.
Vaga-lume, installation, Parque da Catacumba, Rio de Janeiro.

Awarded research grant from Fundação Nacional da Arte, during the 1st Ivan Serpa Competition.
Homenagem a Mário Pedrosa, group exhibition, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.

Birth of son Mario.
Antonio Manuel, solo exhibition and book launch, published by Fundação Nacional da Arte,
Galeria Saramenha, Rio de Janeiro.

Tudo isso existe, solo exhibition, paintings, Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro.
Quadro a quadro, solo exhibition, paintings, Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo.

Por tudo, solo exhibition, paintings, Galeria Montessanti, Rio de Janeiro.
Cuidado com a cabeça, installation at Ponte para o século XXI, Rio Design Center, Rio de Janeiro.

Rio hoje – Pinturas no MAM, survey of paintings in the collection, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro.

Sombras e cintilações, solo exhibition, paintings, Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo.

Mário Pedrosa – arte, revolução, reflexão, group exhibition, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
Group exhibition, Secretaria de Cultura de Lisboa, Portugal.

Solo exhibition, paintings, Galeria Goudard, Rio de Janeiro.
Brasil, segni d’arte, survey exhibition, Venice, Milan, Florence and Rome, Italy.
Emblemas do corpo – O nu na arte brasileira, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
Um olhar sobre Joseph Beuys, 2nd Brasília Forum of Visual Arts, Museu de Arte Moderna de Brasilia
(first version of the installation Fantasma), Brazil.

Fantasma, installation, Galeria do Instituto Brasil- Estados Unidos, Rio de Janeiro.
As fronteiras dos vazios – livro-objeto, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
(“Exposição de 0 a 24 horas”,1973).

Awarded prize by Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos for Fantasma, installation.
Configura 2 – Dialog der Kulturen, group exhibition, Fischmarkt Gallery, Erfurt, Germany.
Publication of A arma fálica, photographic comic book originally produced in 1970, Rio Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Antonio Manuel, Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro.
Re-Aligning Vision – Alternative Currents in South American Drawing, survey exhibition, Museu del Barrio, New York.

Exhibits Fantasma at XXIV São Paulo Biennial.

Ocupações-Descobrimentos, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Global Conceptualism, survey exhibiton, Queen`s Museum of Art, NY, USA.
Fantasma, solo exhibition, Galerie National du Jeu de Paume, Paris, France.

Antonio Manuel, solo exhibition, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, Porto, Portugal.
Eterotipias, survey exhibition, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.

Body and Soul, survey of Brazilian art, Guggenhein Museum, New York, NY, USA.
Experiment: Experiência, Art in Brazil 1958-2000, survey exhibition, Museum of Modern Art Oxford, UK.

Solo exhibition, Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo.

Sucessão de Fatos, solo exhibition, Centro Cultural São Paulo.

Solo exhibition, Manoel Macedo Galeria de Arte, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Solo exhibition, H.A.P. Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro.
Beyond Geometric Experiments in Form, survey exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts, California, USA.
Inverted Utopias, survey exhibition of Latin American art, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA.

Diversidade da Arte Brasileira, Projeto França BrasilCarreau du Temple, Paris.
Exhibits Susseções de Fatos at V Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Antonio Manuel: Ocupations and Discoveries, Pharos Centre of Contemporary Art, Nicosia, Cyprus.

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